Call for Industry Sessions
For cooperation among various industries and academy, ICPE 2023 is holding Industry Sessions for industry participants to present and exchange achievements in power electronics and energy conversion. The Industry Sessions consist of only presentations without any paper submission. Each presentation is limited within 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion. An applicant for these sessions can include one or more presentations. The ICPE committee recommends 5 presentations in one session, but fewer is acceptable. We will evaluate the proposal and then notify about acceptance. The TPC will adjust the session through discussion with the applicant. If the submitted proposal is accepted, the applicant must submit the presentation materials before the deadline. The speakers and the session chair should register for ICPE 2023- ECCE Asia.
- Submission Guidelines
The proposal must be original material and not have been previously presented or published. The proposal should be electronically sent to no later than Nov. 16, 2022.
The proposal for one session should include the session title, the session chair name, the number of presentations, the presentation titles, the
speaker names, the affiliations of the chair and speakers, and the outlines within 200 words for each presentation. Multiple industries can form
one session. Please use the single presentation form if you are submitting one presentation. In that case, the TPC will organize the session.
- Schedule
Industry Session Proposals Submission: Nov. 16, 2022
Proposal Acceptance Notification: Jan. 20, 2023
Final Presentations Submission: Mar. 09, 2023
- Industry Session Chair
Prof. Young-Doo Yoon (Hanyang Univ., Korea) email at